People always ask me: “How do you start a conversation at an abortion facility with a mother headed inside?”
Very simply: WITH A SMILE.
It feels so contradictory to smile at an abortion facility. You learn very quickly that an abortion facility is the saddest place on earth. No one is skipping in there, empowered, excited, or relieved. They know deep inside that something about this is so wrong — but they don’t know what else to do.
But this is where the opportunity is.
Knowing that we are sinners saved by a God who relentlessly pursues us with His great love, we go out there — broken and imperfect ourselves, yet full of JOY because of Christ — to let her know of His love, hope, and peace. We remind her that she is not alone; that her community is ready to go to
bat for her and her family with real options and resources; that we will ensure she has everything she needs so she never feels like she is so desperate she must take the life of her child.
We make a valiant offer of help — and she must say YES. The same way God freely offers us abundant life.
Should she choose abortion, we know He will never stop pursuing her with His healing and love. And neither will we.
I pray every hurting soul walking into an abortion facility this week is met by a Sidewalk Advocate, reminding them they are not alone, and hope and help is waiting for them if they’ll but say YES.
But as Mother Teresa famously said, “Peace begins with a smile.”
So, smile, greet her in love, make an offer of help, connect her with the local life-affirming pregnancy center — and watch God work.