I am so excited to share victory news out of New York! We received word that not one but four abortion facilities are scheduled to close this fall, including one where Sidewalk Advocates were present along with decades of dedicated prayer warriors.

This miraculous partnership between prayer and advocacy reminded me of another facility — Southwestern Women’s Center in Dallas, Texas. This late-term abortion facility run by the notorious Curtis Boyd was one of the first locations where I sidewalk counseled and was the site of the world’s largest 40 Days for Life prayer campaign! In March 2023, the pro-life community rejoiced when their prayers were finally answered with the closure of this facility.

Sadly, while abortion ended in Dallas, it was not the end of Curtis Boyd’s killing career. Instead, he focused his attention on his sister facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where Texas women were being referred. One thing that was striking about Boyd is he rarely shied away from the brutality of abortion. He made headlines when he admitted with disturbing nonchalance, “Am I killing? Yes, I am.” And in his recently released memoirs, he gives shocking details about the “blood and guts” of his profession and the “lessons” he learned from abortion complications including the deaths of two women. After an estimated 250,000 abortions and a wrongful death lawsuit against his New Mexico facility, Boyd finally sold his abortion business, which continues to operate in Albuquerque, drawing thousands of women in crisis across state lines.

This parasitic relationship of the abortion business in places like New York and New Mexico preying on out-of-state mothers is plaguing every community in our country. (For more on how the abortion landscape is changing and our response, watch SAFL’s mini-documentary here.) In the face of thriving abortion tourism, however, it is critical that we face the challenge, celebrate our progress, and look to the promise of eventual victory. St. Paul reminds in his second letter to the Corinthians:

“We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.”

We must transform our righteous anger into fuel for our feet on the sidewalk as we stand in the gap for the mothers and children threatened by the abortion industry. We must stand strong with the truth against the persuasive power Planned Parenthood wields in our schools, in our governments, even among our friends and family. Thank you for standing with us and standing up for the thousands of families we are honored to serve through God’s love!