In my wildest dreams, I could not have imagined what it would be like to share this milestone with you. As of last week, our Sidewalk Advocates have helped save over 23,000 moms and their babies from abortion since we started peacefully advocating for life outside of abortion and abortion-referral facilities in 2014. (Check out this great video from our Advocates celebrating this miraculous moment. Praise God!!)

Ten years ago, when God’s plan for this organization was just a mustard seed, I prayed for a community like you — full of men and women committed to a radical visionwhere a mom in crisis, a father besieged by anxiety, an abortion worker trapped in her job could find the hope and help they need to choose LIFE on sidewalks across America.

I don’t know about you, but these days, people are telling me that kind of hope can be hard to come by. As we are just weeks away from a presidential election that could reopen the floodgates on abortion on demand and without restriction, it would be easy to give in to the anxiety of the moment.

But then I remember that the 23,000 lives we are celebrating were saved during the terms of three different presidents from different political parties with diametrically opposed views on abortion — from refusing to save babies born alive after an abortion to helping dismantle Roe v. Wade. Regardless of who is in the White House or the debates raging in Congress, our commitment and effectiveness in helping moms and saving babies in our communities remains.

Yes, politics are an important part of the battle for life, and voting for LIFE is critical. But abortions aren’t happening in the halls of the government. The abortion industry has set up shop in our neighborhoods, and decisions between life and death are happening at the kitchen table and in dorm rooms; and sadly, preborn children are being killed in bathrooms with the rise of DIY-abortion drugs.

The truth is we do not have the luxury to wait on our leaders to make change. It is your support of our presence on the front lines that has saved and will continue to save lives and end abortion one baby, one mom, one family, one community at time … until this tragedy is stopped from coast to coast.

We are so honored to be part of the journey for those moms and families who have chosen LIFE for their babies. And we cannot begin to express our gratitude for all our partners in this mission, including our volunteer Advocates and prayer warriors, our donors, and fellow pro-life and pregnancy-help organizations. Lives and generations have been changed forever because of YOU and all you do for life. Thank you for helping make this milestone possible!